Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Conservatives Will Support Obama. Here's Why.

For the last 8 years, I heard that to support the troops I must support the war. I have never agreed more strongly with this view, because it also translates to: it is impossible to support America without supporting the president. Presto! Conservatives support President Obama.

For the record, my position is so nuanced Kerry might get lost in it. There cannot be a position on "the war". We are in TWO wars. I support the war in Afghanistan. I cannot support the war in Iraq. I wanted to. I wanted the war to be about democracy and liberty, about helping people. I wanted it to be about the same reason that we go into Somalia or should act on Darfur. But it was turned into a war about non-existent WMD, a war of choice not based in compassion, a war executed on the cheap. Our troops deserved a better Commander-in-Chief and Secretary of Defense, one who would commit an overwhelming force for the take-down and for the occupation, one who would ask for more from us than to support tax cuts. Our troops put their lives on the line. I would have proudly forgone my tax break but to do better for our troops.

Years late, we committed more troops under General Petraeus and we finally got a SecDef worthy of the troops. I know it's impossible, but I do wish that SecDef Bob Gates could keep his job in an Obama administration.

So for any patriotic American conservatives reading: If you love America, then you support President Obama. If you do not, then welcome to nuance.

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